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Many rural families depend on subsistance farming and who are desapointed by the long droughts that takes hold and other uncertanities that curbs their agricultural produce, which acelerates povert in many house holds.

Rain fall in many parts of the country Uganda and the rest of the East Africa is becoming less and less predictable, crops have failed as many live and depend on subsistance farming. Many livestocks have died, families are on the bring of starvation and the only meal they may have is a meanger helping of boiled beans  or posho ( a meal from maize flour) without source of which some families may go without.

  Such families are associated with poor education, poor health, mulnutrition in infants and poor housing. As a result, lack of household basic needs, failure to meet cost attched to education for their children and other necessitites are immaterial. Children from such families are cheated and deprived from their rights and thus, in search for a living, young girls from such families ends in prostitution and or early marriages, boys joins un social peer groups forming gangs, misuses drugs and hence ends up becoming crimininal and threats to the community.


Due to persistant poverty children in many hoesholds drop out schools due to domestic burdens apon them become too much and we discovered that most of them are family headed children. Some drop out of school because their caregivers in the community or expanded families are unable to meet the cost attached to their education, that leads from exclusion from other social services including vital information about health, nutrition and life skills and such as how to protect themselves from violance and abuse.

Further more, we discovered that most elderly caregivers to the orphaned young girls force them into early marriages due to persistant poverty for one reason or anothe. Either acquire bride wealth to solve their financial problems or depend on families where such young girls have been married. But the problems out of it are unrealistic to such persons. It's a form of violance inflicted to such young girls and often socially condoned with implications of child servival.


Such chidren bodies are not fully developed to accommodate pregnancy hence risks of deaht of both child and mother. After miscourages and failure to meet household duties, many young girls end up devocing resulting into single mothers/parents which thus pushes most of them into practicing unsocial behaviors like prostitution in search for servival for both their children devoced with and themselves. Such girls end up contracting HIV/AIDS and un wanted pregnacies and because of lack of care and support of both the born babies and their mothers, such young girls resort in throwing their new born babies on rabish pits/in latrines or kill them. 

If a mother to such a baby persist with all occurances and tries by all means to bring it up, such children are brought up in a miserable life. Sice they can not access all basice needs required of them, most of them results into street children, feeding on left overs thrown on rabish pits and in association with  poor healht conditions. Such chidren, most of them end upcontracting HIV/AIDS and other diseases that contributes to thewir vulnerability.